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City Council Adopts Ordinance Requiring Masks

Affirming the directive issued August 18, 2020, by Sandy Springs Mayor Rusty Paul that residents wear a mask to mitigate the spread of coronavirus, the Sandy Springs City Council today (Aug 20)  adopted an Ordinance enforcing the use of masks.


“The passage of this Ordinance provides the full faith and credit of the City, acting through the City Council, to endorse and make law the requirement that we mask up when in public spaces,” said Sandy Springs Mayor Rusty Paul.


The Ordinance requires that individuals wear a mask when in an entity or public place where other physical distancing measures may be difficult to maintain from non-cohabitating persons.  The Ordinance also specifies that businesses that do not require masks within their facilities post a “clearly legible sign in one-inch Arial font at all public entrances” stating, “This location does not require the use of masks or facial coverings upon this property.”


“Our goal is to use the authority we have as a City Council to enact provisions to keep people safe.  The community asked that we provide direction regarding the use of masks, and we have done that through my statement and through this Ordinance adopted by the Council,” added Paul.


The Ordinance is effective immediately and will remain in effect until revised or repealed by further action of the Mayor and City Council.